Who Is Bruce Springsteen? 布魯斯.史普林斯汀 | 拾書所

Who Is Bruce Springsteen? 布魯斯.史普林斯汀

$ 210 元 原價 210

Bruce Springsteen grew up in a blue-collar New Jersey town, where his parents struggled to make ends meet. Bruce didn't fit in at school but found solace in rock and roll and playing guitar.

After the breakup of a local band he'd joined, Springsteen went out on his own and people began to take notice. He signed with Columbia Records and under pressure to come up with a hit, wrote "Born in the USA," which tells the story of America during the years of the Vietnam War.

A multi-millionaire and twenty-time Grammy winner, the Boss has remained a working class hero whose music deals with the political and social changes in our country.


在布魯斯參與的當地樂團解散後,他決定單飛,並開始獲得大眾關注。他與哥倫比亞唱片公司簽約,在必須寫出暢銷曲的壓力之下,他創作出經典暢銷曲〈生在美國〉(Born in the USA),歌詞描述美國參加越戰時期的故事。


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