朱利安諾的廚房06 | 拾書所


$ 277 元 原價 350










◎PART 1 春Spring

‧春之蝶麵 Spring Time "Farfalle"

‧利巴瑞細麵 Lipari-style Trenette

‧藍佩度沙式蝶麵 Lampedusa Island Farfalle

‧鮪魚卡瓦提利 Cvatelli with Celery and Tuna

‧義式章魚麵 Spaghetti with Octopus

‧蝦仁通心管麵 Garganelli with Shrimps and Artichoke

‧巴利式貓耳朵 Bari-style Orechiette

‧彩繪洋芋麵 Three Colour Gnocchi with Leeks

‧海鮮卡彭那拉 Tagliolini with Seafood Carbonara

‧朝鮮薊千層麵 Lasagne with Artichoke

‧蔬菜千層翡翠麵 Green Lasagne with Grilled Vegetables

‧蔬菜醬魚餃 Fish Raidli with Vegetables and Olives

◎PART 2 夏Summer

‧卡拉巴利式麵 Calabria-style Casereccie

‧貝沙利瑞式麵條 Bersagliere-style Bucatini

‧夏季之麵 Route with Summer Glavour

‧風尚通心麵 Maccheroni en Bellevue

‧海中鮮麵 Orechiette with Prawns

‧火山式義大利麵 Vesuvio-style Spaghetti

‧鮪魚義大利麵 Spaghettini with Tuna and Cepes

‧貪食的義大利麵 The Glutton Spaghetti

‧翡翠松子飯 Risotto with Pesto Sauce

‧魚子醬季諾多 Girandole with Broccoli and Caviar

‧雙色麵疙瘩 Gnocchi with Two Flawour

‧焗海鮮麵捲 Baked Cannelloni with Sole and Shrimps

◎PART 3 秋Autumn

‧甜椒茄子麵 Fusilli with Eggplants and Bell Peppers

‧迷迭香麵 Penne with Bacon and Rosemary

‧鄉村風味麵 Countryman Fusilli

‧媽媽風味麵 Mammy-style Penne

‧淡菜蟹肉麵 Linguini with Mussels and Crab

‧鮮蠔貝殼麵 Conchiglie with Oysters

‧鮪魚醬麵 Penne with Tuna and Mozzarella

‧紫色米飯 Risotto with Radicchio and Saffron

‧托飛海鮮麵 Trofie with Seafood and Pesto

‧托羅麵疙瘩 Trolo-style Gnocchi

‧烤菠菜麵捲 Bake Pasta with Ricotta Cheese and Spinach

‧鮮香菇餃 Mushrooms Ravioli with Mushrooms Sauce

◎PART 4 冬Winter

‧肉醬波紋麵 Reginette with Bolognese Sauce

‧皮耶默皮蝶麵 Piemonte-style Farfalle

‧鮮菇筆形麵 Baked Mezze Penne with Mushrooms

‧彩繪貝殼麵 Colored Conchiglie

‧鑲裹義大利麵 Spaghetti Wrapped in Foil with Clams

‧瑪莉亞海鮮麵 Maria-style Linguini

‧培根蒜苗飯 Risotto with Bacon and Leeks

‧火腿紅花麵 Fetuccini with Saffron and Smoked Ham

‧山瑞莫雞冠麵 San Remo-style Creste di Gallo

‧焗松子醬千層麵 Baked Green Lasagne with Pesto Sauce

‧香料鮭魚餃 Salmon Revioli with Green Sauce

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