【凱翊︱PWM】蕭邦:鋼琴練習曲2A第2冊(Jan Ekie編曲)Chopin Etudes 2A, Vol. II(Editor: Jan Ekie) | 拾書所

【凱翊︱PWM】蕭邦:鋼琴練習曲2A第2冊(Jan Ekie編曲)Chopin Etudes 2A, Vol. II(Editor: Jan Ekie)

$ 1,482 元 原價 1,560



●作曲家:Frederic Chopin
●演奏者:Jan Ekier

目錄 / 曲目 Contents ——
Includes the Etudes of Op. 10 and Op. 25, and the three Etudes without opus number. Chopin's Etudes address aspects of piano performance by one of history's most noteworthy pianists. They are also masterwork miniature musical poems.

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