一次破解所有易混淆英文單字:先做題╳再學習╳後試題的必勝三「步」曲 | 拾書所


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以「先做題 → 再學習 → 後試題」的完美順序,



Chapter1 人體動作篇
Unit001 take、bring、carry
Unit002 hear sb V, hear sb Ving, listen to sb
Unit003 cry, scream, tell
Unit004 tremble, shake, shock
Unit005 put, set, lay
Unit006 jump, leap, bounce
Unit007 hurt, injure, harm
Unit008 look, gaze, stare
Unit009 strike, knock, pound
Unit010 cure, treat, heal
Unit011 choose, select, pick
Unit012 rescue,save, deliver
Unit013 draw, pull, drag
Unit014 repair, fix, mend
Unit015 hunt, search, explore
Unit016 say, speak, state
Unit017 bite, chew, nibble
Unit018 strike, beat, hit
Unit019 wake, awake, wake up

Chapter2 一般動作篇
Unit020 pardon, forgive, excuse
Unit021 guess, assume, suppose
Unit022 hint, imply, suggest
Unit023 mistake, fault, error
Unit024 decrease, reduce, decline
Unit025 add, increase, plus
Unit026 break, pause, interval
Unit027 have, own, possess
Unit028 encourage, inspire, support
Unit029 show, display, exhibit
Unit030 aid, assist, help
Unit031 defend, guard, protect
Unit032 gain, get, earn
Unit033 hold, keep, stay
Unit034 clarify, explain, interpret
Unit035 practice, exercise, drill
Unit036 cheat, deceive, trick
Unit037 stop, cease, quit
Unit038 frighten, scare, terrify
Unit039 stand, endure, tolerate
Unit040 fall, drop, descend
Unit041 tie, bind, attach
Unit042 tour, travel, journey
Unit043 disturb, bother, trouble
Unit044 scatter, expand, spread
Unit045 further, advance, push
Unit046 pile, heap, mass

Chapter3 外觀情感篇
Unit047 figure, constitution, build
Unit048 beautiful, good-looking
Unit049 neat, clean, tidy
Unit050 dress, suit, uniform
Unit051 passion, emotion, feeling
Unit052 tedious, boring, tiresome
Unit053 pleased, pleasant, enjoyable
Unit054 quiet, silent, calm
Unit055 serious, solem, grave
Unit056 healthy, fit, well
Unit057 decision, resolution, determination
Unit058 trust, confidence, faith

Chapter4 生活場景篇
Unit059 cup, glass, mug
Unit060 painting, drawing, picture
Unit061 advice, opinion, proposal
Unit062 danger, hazard, risk
Unit063 need, necessity, necessary
Unit064 affair, business, matter
Unit065 occupation, vocatio, work
Unit066 shop, store, outlet
Unit067 medicine, druge, pill
Unit068 disease, illness, sickness
Unit069 room, space, place
Unit070 sign, symbol, mark
Unit071 condition, situation, status
Unit072 victory, trimph, succeed
Unit073 energy, power, strength
Unit074 line, thread, string
Unit075 examination, test, quiz

Chapter5 事物形容篇
Unit076 enough, adequate, sufficient
Unit077 especially, special, specific
Unit078 fast, quick, soon
Unit079 also, too, either
Unit080 hardly, barely, rarely
Unit081 small, little, tiny
Unit082 many, much, a lot of
Unit083 over, above, on
Unit084 level, smooth, flat
Unit085 average, common, ordinary
Unit086 variable, various, different

Chapter6 商業經營篇
Unit087 chance, opportunity, occasion
Unit088 method, way, manner
Unit089 meet, meeting, party
Unit090 pattern, model, example
Unit091 result, consequece, effect
Unit092 plan, proposal, program
Unit093 benefit, profit, interest
Unit094 factory, mill, plant
Unit095 fame, reputation, honor
Unit096 business, trade, commerce
Unit097 salary, wage, fee
Unit098 provide, supply, furnish
Unit099 make, manufacture, produce
Unit100 associate, colleague, companion

Chapter7 國家社會篇
Unit101 nation, people, race
Unit102 group, swarm, school
Unit103 mankind, man, human
Unit104 baby, child, kid
Unit105 crime, guilt, sin
Unit106 erect, establish, found
Unit107 inspect, examine, investigate
Unit108 rule, administer, dominate
Unit109 abolish, cancel, eliminate
Unit110 duty, obligation, responsibility
Unit111 address, speech, lecture

Chapter8 自然景象篇
Unit112 view, scenery, sight
Unit113 gale, gust, breeze
Unit114 canal, channel, strait
Unit115 coast, shore, beach
Unit116 air, gas, atmosphere
Unit117 road, path, way

Chapter9 消費飲食篇
Unit118 cost, charge, price
Unit119 dear, costly, expensive
Unit120 bag, handbag, purse
Unit121 plate, saucer, tray
Unit122 tasty, tasteful, delicious

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