Machi Takagi and Jonathan Augustine have traveled throughout the world as husband and wife.They devote much of their time toward artistically expressing their fascination with cultural diversity.Machi Takagi is a painter of nihonga (traditional Japanese painting) and Jonathan Augustine is a professor of international communication at the Kyoto Institute of Technology in Japan.
作者Jonathan Augustine博士與繪者Machi Takagi女士夫婦的足跡遍佈世界各地。他們為文化的多樣性深深著迷,並以藝術形式記錄對各種文化的感情。Machi Takagi女士為「傳統日本畫」(nihonga) 畫家,而Jonathan Augustine博士現為日本京都工藝纖維大學國際傳播教授。「仙人之谷」改編自中國聊齋誌異故事中的「嶗山道士」,為Machi Takagi女士與Jonathan Augustine博士夫婦的共同創作。