我們的小晴晴就像是一隻勇敢的小蝴蝶,在風雨中飛了出去。她記錄了在風雨中的經歷……深情和愛是她身邊的雲霧,家人、親友給她這些雲霧,她才可以騰雲駕霧,翱翔九天,她也把這些雲霧還報給愛她的人們,使得大家心中溫暖,身上溫暖。 ──金庸
Judy has a very deep appreciation as well as interesting view of life in "East vs. West" based on her experience. - John S. Chen President & CEO of SYBASE
Knowing Judy is to be captivated by her intellect and charm and to be fascinated reading a mystery lady with her stories unfolded. - Alan Bickell
Senior Vice President of Hewlett-Packard Judy (Chen, Qing) has gone through a profound metamorphosis in her culture journey from her native China to her adopted America. She has emerged from this spiritual transformation as a beautiful butterfly. - Michael C. Schultz
Dean of Management, Menlo College