Bullseye Step into Classics: Black Beauty | 拾書所

Bullseye Step into Classics: Black Beauty

$ 123 元 原價 140

它是溫馴的馬兒,但是命運安排它有一個虐待動物的主人,現在它正因工作的緣故陷入危及性命的困境中,正需要有人來救它...... In this abridgement of Sewell's classic story, McKinley has managed nicely to retain Beauty's unique voice as well as the most-remembered stories, while making the text more accessible to younger readers. Jeffers's fine ink illustrations will satisfy even the most demanding of horse-lovers with her ability to capture each horse's personality. This version brings back the sharpness of the cruelty towards Beauty and his companions, and McKinley has rightfully retained the pain and the ugliness of some of the incidents. Children will still weep at the death of Ginger, and Jeffers's portrayal of the barn fire is quite frightening. It's an elegant edition, which will linger with readers until they are ready to tackle the original.

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