Magic Tree House #03: Mummies in the Morning | 拾書所

Magic Tree House #03: Mummies in the Morning

$ 185 元 原價 210

Jack and Annie find themselves whisked away to ancient Egypt, where they come face to face with a dead queen--and her 1,000-year-old mummy!
「神奇樹屋」(Magic Tree House)系列描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮的冒險故事。八歲半的哥哥傑克,理性冷靜,喜歡看書,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而七歲的妹妹安妮,喜愛幻想與冒險,並且勇於嘗試。這一次,神奇樹屋把傑克和安妮帶回古埃及,跟著神祕的黑貓和送葬隊伍,兄妹倆踏進冰冷、陰暗的金字塔。在金字塔裡,他們遇見一位過世很久的鬼王后,她已經等待幫助整整一千年了,傑克和安妮能不能解開謎題,幫她找到死亡之書呢?他們能不能走出愚弄盜墓者的假通道,順利的離開古墓?另外,傑克和安妮在樹屋的地板上也發現了一樣的M字,這證明了樹屋確實是屬於M的,但神祕的M到底是什麼人呢?這個系列的英文淺顯易懂,對話簡單口語,可讓已在學習英文的小朋友,藉由故事進入英語的情境,增進英文能力。


作者:瑪麗.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne):
Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce are sisters who grew up on army posts all over the world. Mary is the author of over 50 acclaimed books for children. Natalie has worked as a children’s librarian and as a teacher of English and E.S.L. This is their ninth book together.
繪者: Sal Murdocca
Sal Murdocca has illustrated more than 200 children’s trade and textbooks. He is also a librettist for children’s opera, a video artist, an avid runner, hiker, and bicyclist, and a teacher of children’s illustration at the Parsons School of Design. He lives and works in New York with his wife, Nancy.

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