Scholastic ELT Readers Starter: Spooky Skaters: The Skate Park after Dark with C | 拾書所

Scholastic ELT Readers Starter: Spooky Skaters: The Skate Park after Dark with C

$ 176 元 原價 200

Scholastic ELT Readers Series電影讀本為2008年系列新書,目前持續出版中。
Starter level:適合具備300字彙以上讀者閱讀;
Level 1:適合具備600字彙以上讀者閱讀;
Level 2:適合具備1000字彙以上讀者閱讀;
Level 3:適合具備1500字彙以上讀者閱讀。
" Fact File "─針對書籍內容探討相關的話題, 豐富有趣的讓人愛不釋手。
" Self-study Activities " ─以閱讀後的小測驗讓讀者學習英文更有系統與方法 。
Spooky Skaters在夜深人靜時便會離家群聚於他們的秘密聚會園地
有天在放後Ben, Leila在公園蹓搭這時Roland 和Patty也來了
可是他們不會溜滑板而且他們矬到不行但是他們遇到了Spooky Skaters…
Every night, the Spooky Skaters leave their home in the Land of
the Dead and go skating in secret in the local skate park. They
do spooky stunts on the ramp and they feel alive! Every day
after school, Ben, Leila and their friends hang out at the skate
park. Roland and Patty go there too, but they can’t skate and
they’re definitely not cool! Then, one night, Roland and Patty
meet the Spooky Skaters …
With Fact Files on skateboarding and skate style!

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