Scholastic ELT Readers Level 3: Fast Food Nation with CD | 拾書所

Scholastic ELT Readers Level 3: Fast Food Nation with CD

$ 211 元 原價 240

Scholastic ELT Readers Series電影讀本為2008年系列新書,目前持續出版中。
Starter level:適合具備300字彙以上讀者閱讀;
Level 1:適合具備600字彙以上讀者閱讀;
Level 2:適合具備1000字彙以上讀者閱讀;
Level 3:適合具備1500字彙以上讀者閱讀。
" Fact File "─針對書籍內容探討相關的話題, 豐富有趣的讓人愛不釋手。
" Self-study Activities " ─以閱讀後的小測驗讓讀者學習英文更有系統與方法 。
  In a border town in Mexico, a group of young Mexicans begin a dangerous journey across the US-Mexico border in search of a better life… . Don starts a new job as a marketing manager for Mickey’s, a group of fast food restaurants. Will he find out the truth behind the burgers…? And Amber, a high school student, starts to ask serious questions about her part-time job at Mickey’s. Maybe the burgers don’t taste so good after all…

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