History of Eng. Lit. to 1660 (3─1) | 拾書所

History of Eng. Lit. to 1660 (3─1)

$ 264 元 原價 300

TO 1660
The first of a series of three volumes
which trace the history of English literature
from its earliest beginnings
to the present day,
this volume contains a complete study
of English literature up to the Restoration.
It includes invaluable synopses and commentaries
on all major, and many minor, works;
useful, information-packed biographies
of major and lesser figures;
and a detailed examination of
all important literary trends
covering the remarkable transition
from the world of the Anglo-Saxon to Paradise Lost.
Martin S. Day was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins, where he received his Ph.D. degree.
  梁實秋先生推崇 Martin S. Day 的 History of English Literature 「在英文寫的英國文學教科書中,......是最充實最清楚的一部。」本書包含作家的簡介,作品的提要以及文藝思潮和文化歷史背景分析。內容詳瞻,文筆流暢,二十年來廣為國內外大學英文系所採用。此一版本為本公司獲得授權對海內外發行之國際版。

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