Reading for Real Book 1, 2/e | 拾書所

Reading for Real Book 1, 2/e

$ 326 元 原價 370

 全套6冊,閱讀內容大量選用文筆年輕活潑的文章。從基礎的字彙擴充,到進階準備應考TOEFL、IELTS測驗的閱讀練習與寫作技巧,讀者可依程度需求遴選級別學習。
 內容題材廣泛,知性及樂性兼具,包括家庭、友誼、工作、旅遊、天文、飲食、兩性研究、網際網路、媒體、科學等,讀者可透過閱讀的過程,豐富生活各層面的字彙。
 初級-中級適用於英語非母語國家的讀者,學習基礎用語及生活中的字彙擴增。中級-高級適用於英語母語國家的讀者,加強閱讀及寫作的技巧。是一套可以多元應用的英語學習教材。
 書籍單元包涵:
1. 閱讀準備(Pre-Reading Preparation)
2. 課文(Reading)
3. 生字解釋(Vocabulary List)
4. 單字測驗(Vocabulary)
5. 閱讀測驗(Comprehension)
6. 延伸閱讀(Advanced Comprehension)
7. 寫作技巧(Writing Critically)
8. 教學資源 (Teaching/Learning Support)
 第二版更隨書附贈Audio Program MP3 讓讀者可同步練習聽力。書末解答,讓讀者可以自修學習。

Reading for Real
The study of English as a second language is never easy. Learning English well enough to apply it in real life situations often requires years of hard work.

Reading for Real eases the hardship, not by making it simple, but by making it interesting. Articles in this book are chosen for the readers─they engage students’ attention naturally, encourage group discussion, and stimulate comprehensive analysis.

Reading for Real teaches English as a second language. It provides the transition for ESL students to move beyond “small talk.” This new approach may take some getting-used-to initially, but students will find themselves greatly rewarded for their work, and come home with a new perspective about how much they can do with English in real life.

Reading for Real is a reading series prepared for:
 ESL students─who have acquired basic grammar and vocabulary in secondary schools and are in the transition from ESL methodology to real life applications
 English native students─to strengthen reading and writing skills by raising awareness of the subtleties of the English language.

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