Secrets of Droon, No.19: The Coiled Viper | 拾書所

Secrets of Droon, No.19: The Coiled Viper

$ 123 元 原價 140

Lord Sparr is back... and meaner than ever! This time, he is in search of the Coiled Viper, an ancient magical object of unknown, incredible power. Princess Keeah and her Upper World friends - Eric, Neal, and Julie - know they have to stop Sparr from uncovering the Viper. But there's one little catch. The Viper can't be found in Droon... because it's hidden somewhere in the Upper World!


Tony Abbott is the author of more than thirty funny novels for young readers. Since childhood he has been drawn to stories that challenge the imagination, and, like Eric, Julie, and Neal, he often dreamed of finding doors that open to other worlds. Now that he is older, he thinks he may have discovered some of those doors. He calls them books.

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