Outrageously funny and inventive ... a novel with huge appeal ... It's hard to beat this story for sheer entertainment and larger than life, distinctive - and differentiated characters.' -- Books for Keeps 'Fiercely exciting and laugh-aloud funny, it is as full of joy for children of 7+ who have given up reading as for those who love it.' -- Amanda Craig, The Times PRAISE FOR HICCUP:Irresistably funny, exciting and endearing -- Amanda Craig, The Times CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE WEEK: This book is great fun and has a Blackadderish sense of humour ... full of the sort of jokes that will make schoolboys snigger. -- Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times How to Train Your Dragon is a delightful narrative caper... It offers a challenging read to 11-year-olds, and rewards reading aloud, especially for those who relish an element of theatre at story time. -- Sunday Herald, Glasgow ... raucous and slapstick ... liberally illustrated with [Cressida Cowell's] riotous drawings, notes and maps. -- The Financial Times [Cressida Cowell] puts a contemporary spin on the old brains over brawn moral and brings the story to a climax with a thrilling dragon duel. Lots for lots of different readers to enjoy. -- Books for Keeps Bulging with good jokes, funny drawings and dramatic scenes, it is absolutely wonderful. -- Independent on Sunday Rollicking fun with a whiff of the past. -- The Guardian 20061125 'Rollicking fun with a whiff of the past.' -- The Guardian 20061125 'If you haven't discovered Hiccup yet, you're missing out on one of the greatest inventions of modern children's literature.' -- Julia Eccleshare, Guardian children's editor 20061125 --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
Cressida grew up in Chelsea. She studied English Literature at Keble College, Oxford Universtiy. She then worked at Macmillan in the Fiction department. She took a BA at St Martins in graphic design and then an MA in Narrative Illustration in Brighton. She is married with two children. David Tennant's previous audiobooks include Classic FM: 100 Humorous Poems, and Diana Wynne Jones' "The Merlin Conspiracy" with Emilia Fox. His voice will be familiar from many ads, including Home Choice TV, Boots, and Exchange & Mart. David's acting work ranges from The Bill, Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased), to RSC productions and the West End stage, and most recently, as Ginger Johnson in Stephen Fry's film Bright Young Things.