英文寫作正誤1001則 (Intermediate Level) | 拾書所

英文寫作正誤1001則 (Intermediate Level)

$ 428 元 原價 450

*More than 1001 common Chinese errors in English
*An easy learning format with simple, easy-to-understand explanations
*Related expressions to help learners express the same idea in different ways
*Comprehensive and fun exercises of increasing difficulty, to help students firstly recognize and secondly stop producing these errors in their speech and writing
◎ 1001 則華人常犯的英文錯誤。
◎ 解說簡明、易學易懂。
◎ 相關陳述幫助讀者以不同的方式說明同一個想法。
◎ 按步就班逐漸循序漸進,使學生在說寫方面不再犯同樣錯誤。

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