詞與世界:WORDS AND THE WORLD(二十本詩選套裝) | 拾書所

詞與世界:WORDS AND THE WORLD(二十本詩選套裝)

$ 1,097 元 原價 1,180

Edited by Gilbert Fong, Shelby Chan, Lucas Klein, and Bei Dao, The World of Words twenty-volume set is an extended edition of the single-volume The World of Words. It comprises twenty pocket off-prints encased in a fine paper box, each containing more selected works by one of the internationally renowned poets included in the single volume, accompanied by English and/or Chinese translations. The goal of The World of Words collection is to disseminate and make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry through high quality translations by outstanding translators. Each of the twenty volumes can be purchased separately.

此套盒裝叢書是《WORDS & THE WORLD詞與世界》單本詩歌合集的延伸版本。叢書由二十本袖珍版詩選組成,分別收錄二十位國際享負盛名的詩人的精選作品。每冊詩選可獨立購買。

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