Story of Cirrus Flux | 拾書所

Story of Cirrus Flux

$ 370 元 原價 420

‘You shall help me find him still . . . there is nowhere for the boy to hide.’
Orphan boy Cirrus Flux is being watched. Merciless rogues are conniving to steal the world’s most divine power, which they believe Cirrus has inherited.
Now he faces a perilous journey through the dirty backstreets of London as a sinister mesmerist, a tiny man with an all-seeing eye, and a skull-collecting scoundrel pursue him. Cirrus must escape them. It really is not safe to give such evil people such incredible power . . .


Matthew Skelton was born in the UK but spent most of his childhood in Canada. He started writing while working as a teaching assistant at the University of Mainz and continued when he came back to Oxford to work as a research assistant. In 2002 he won Richard and Judy's short story competition. Cirrus Flux is his second novel.

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