Wonderstruck: A Novel in Words and Pictures | 拾書所

Wonderstruck: A Novel in Words and Pictures

$ 924 元 原價 1,050

  Playing with the form he created in his trailblazing debut novel, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick once again sails into uncharted territory and takes readers on an awe-inspiring journey.

  Ben and Rose secretly wish their lives were differ


布萊恩.賽茲尼克(Brian Selznick)


  賽茲尼克曾以《霍金斯的恐龍》(The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins)榮獲二○○二年美國凱迪克銀牌獎(The Caldecott Honor),以《惠特曼:寫給美國的詩句》(Walt Whitman: Words for America)榮獲紐約時報(The New York Times)最佳插畫獎,這兩本書的作者均為芭芭拉‧凱利(Babara Kerley);他與潘.幕諾茲.萊恩

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