大山與人 | 拾書所


$ 942 元 原價 1,070

大嶼山(曾經)收納香港城市以外的別種生活:半世紀在神樂院 ( The Trappist Haven Monastery )唱普通話經文歌的中國修士、九七回歸前國民黨村民的雙十節盤菜派對、早在LOHAS成為大潮流前已過著非常環保生活的老農夫、大英帝國子民的跨種族家庭…… 這本書 ( +1DVD ) 以文字、攝影及錄像,採訪抱持不同信念的原居民和外來島民:1897年出生的福建修士、八仙桃源洞廟主、曾為世界級樂手製造結他的巧匠、上山採藥的中醫師、英國植物學家……還有設計赤鱲角香港國際機場的 Sir Norman Foster,多角度重構他們在大嶼山十多年的生活。
Lantau is a place away from the ordinary city life of Hong Kong. There are indigenous inhabitants as well as wanderers from many parts of the world. People on the island here seem to hold their own beliefs - including the 1897-born Fujian monk at The Trappist Haven Monastery, a maker of guitars for internationally renowned musicians, an old farmer who has led an eco-friendly lifestyle long before the LOHAS trend, a Chinese medical practitioner collecting herbs from the mountains, an English botanist…Driving Lantau: a whisper of an island attempts to document these lives and reconstruct the various perspectives of Lantau over the past few decades, with photographs, interviews, text and video. Most of the still images were taken between 1995 and 2004, and most of the video from 1998 – 1999.



簡稱Lo,徘徊於(流行不流行)文化與傳媒/ 媒體間的打雜,曾存活在大嶼山近十二年(1990-91/1993-2004),最後自我遺棄於香港與北京狹縫間。Anthony McHugh,來自曼徹斯特,百分百曼聯球迷,自九十年代初居住大嶼山至今。從廣告公司自由攝影師到再用木環保傢具木匠,由食物攝影造型師到廚師,都一絲不苟地鍾愛。

Lo Yin Shan, simply called Lo, a dog’s body wandering between (pop or not pop) culture and media, who once lived on Lantau for almost twelve years (1990-91 and then 1993-2004), finally a self-outcast in between the seams of Hong Kong and Beijing. Anthony McHugh, a Mancunian and a 100% Manchester United fan, who has been living on Lantau Island since early 90s. From a freelance photographer of 4A advertising companies to a eco-furniture maker with recycled wood, a food stylist to a cook, all are his meticulous passion.

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