FUN 學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文(3)(菊8K軟皮精裝+1MP3+練習本) | 拾書所

FUN 學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文(3)(菊8K軟皮精裝+1MP3+練習本)

$ 352 元 原價 400






1. Academic Topics 各大學科核心文章

2. Key Words 關鍵字彙與片語

3. Picture Vocabulary 彩圖字彙

4. Main Idea and Details 閱讀技巧練習
針對課文精心設計題型,練習閱讀理解技巧,包含找出文章的主旨(main idea)、細節(details)。另有圖解式大綱(outline)整理,協助掌握文章架構。

5. Vocabulary Builder 字彙複習

6. Workbook 自我檢測練習本

7. MP3 附課文朗讀MP3

Chapter 1 Social Studies History and Geography社會人文學科
Theme: Technology Changes the World全球工業技術的改變
Unit 1 How Transportation Has Changed交通工具如何演變
Unit 2 Inventors and Inventions發明者和發明
Theme: Government政府
Unit 3 Choosing Our Leaders選領袖
Unit 4 Presidents’ Day in February二月總統節
Vocabulary Review 1 單字複習1
Theme: The World around Us世界各國
Unit 5 Countries Have Neighbors我們的鄰近國家
Unit 6 The Amazon Rainforest亞馬遜雨林
Theme: Protecting the Earth保護地球
Unit 7 Protecting the Earth保護地球
Unit 8 The World’s Endangered Animals世界瀕臨絕種動物
Vocabulary Review 2 單字複習2
Theme: World Religions世界宗教
Unit 9 World Religions世界宗教
Unit 10 Religious Holidays宗教節慶
Theme: Europeans Come to the New World新世界的歐洲移民
Unit 11 Early Travelers to America美國的早期移民
Unit 12 The Pilgrims and Thanksgiving 清教徒和感恩節
Vocabulary Review 3 單字複習3
Wrap-Up Test 1 總複習1

Chapter 2 Science自然科學學科
Theme: Our Earth我們的地球
Unit 13 Inside the Earth地球內部構造
Unit 14 Earthquakes and Volcanoes地震和火山
Theme: The Solar System太陽系
Unit 15 Why Does the Moon Seem to Change?
Unit 16 The First Man on the Moon登上月球的第一人
Vocabulary Review 4 單字複習4
Theme: Electricity電
Unit 17 Electricity電
Unit 18 Conserving Electricity節約用電
Theme: Motion and Energy移動和外力
Unit 19 Motion and Forces移動和外力
Unit 20 Magnets磁鐵
Vocabulary Review 5 單字複習5
Theme: Sound聲音
Unit 21 What Is Sound? 何謂聲音?
Unit 22 Sounds and Safety聲音和安全
Theme: The Human Body人體
Unit 23 The Organs of the Human body人體器官
Unit 24 The Five Senses五大感官
Vocabulary Review 6 單字複習6
Wrap-Up Test 2 總複習2

Chapter 3 Mathematics۰Language۰Visual Arts۰Music
Theme: Numbers and Operations數字和運算
Unit 25 Word Problems數學運算
Unit 26 Place Value數量位值
Theme: Multiplication and Division乘法和除法
Unit 27 Multiplication and Division乘法和除法
Unit 28 Skip Counting Equal Groups倍數運算
Vocabulary Review 7 單字複習7
Theme: Myths神話
Unit 29 What Are Myths? 何謂神話?
Unit 30 Prometheus Brings Fire普羅美修斯神盜火
Theme: Learning about Language學習語言
Unit 31 Nouns名詞
Unit 32 Some Common Sayings慣用語
Vocabulary Review 8 單字複習8
Theme: Visual Arts藝術
Unit 33 Realistic Art and Abstract Art寫實派藝術和抽象派藝術
Unit 34 Picasso and His Work畢卡索和他的創作
Theme: A World of Music世界音樂
Unit 35 Many Kinds of Music音樂類型
Unit 36 Modern Music現代音樂
Vocabulary Review 9 單字複習9
Wrap-Up Test 3 總複習3

? Word List 單字表
? Answers and Translations 解答和課文翻譯

Workbook for Daily Review 練習本

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