Unique Everyday Living: English Reading and Vocabulary | 拾書所

Unique Everyday Living: English Reading and Vocabulary

$ 282 元 原價 320

適合程度:Intermediate, 科技大學、大學大一及大二英語課程
級數:CEF B1-B2
配備:Teacher’s file (Teaching notes, answer key), Audio MP3


 本書內含20篇趣味短文,將生活常見的電話詐騙、情緒管理、食品標示、保險、駕駛安全、烤餅乾或街頭塗鴉等主題融入學習。
 閱讀理解及語法練習,強化學生核心閱讀技巧 (skimming, scanning, reference),厚實語法基礎。
 以有趣又富挑戰性的字彙練習活動,讓學生熟記字彙的Spelling, Meaning, Referencing, Writing, Word Forms。亦可靈活結合網路資源 (Macmillan Online Dictionary, thefreedictionary等),幫助學生熟悉網路查找技巧。
 配合課文及活動精心繪製插圖,圖像與文字雙重刺激,增進學習成效。
 附錄介紹16個重點文法〈代名詞、時態、介系詞、形容詞、副詞、助動詞等〉,並額外整理出65個日常生活的核心詞條和定義。

字彙學習研究(Stahl & Nagy, 2005)發現學習者要對一個單詞有完整的瞭解需要7-10個不同的語境,可能是閱讀到或聽到這個新單詞,反覆幾次之後才會真正學的起來。Unique系列強調提供多重情境來反覆學習字彙。
 Unique Science and Technology (Grammar Level 1)
 Unique Everyday Living (Grammar Level 1)
 Unique Workplace and Career (Grammar Level 2)
 Unique Media and Marketplace (Grammar Level 2)

Welcome to Unique—an English Reading and Vocabulary Program!

Raising communication skills to a higher, more fluent level is the overarching goal of the Unique series. To this end, each of the worktexts has been carefully designed to
 review the fundamental skills that enhance reading comprehension
 reinforce the fundamental concepts that boost vocabulary development

There are four thematic books in the series:
 Unique Science and Technology (Grammar Level 1)
 Unique Everyday Living (Grammar Level 1)
 Unique Workplace and Career (Grammar Level 2)
 Unique Media and Marketplace (Grammar Level 2)

All books include:
 20-24 high-interesting and unique texts from various media and academic sources
 a full range of activities to reinforce reading skills and word power
 creative text-related cartoons add humor and reinforce memory
 essential rules of grammar illustrated in Grammar appendix

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