對流:夏菁中英對照詩集 | 拾書所


$ 203 元 原價 270

《對流》共分為三輯:第一輯夏菁將自己多年累積的精選中文詩作譯為英文。第二輯夏菁透過自己深厚的東西文學底蘊,將美國四度獲得普立玆獎的大詩人Robert Frost、現代詩先驅並以《查泰萊夫人的情人》聞名於世的D.H. Lawrence、以及英國學者詩人A.E. Housman、和流浪詩人W.H. Davies等的詩作,簡要譯出,介紹給一般讀者。最後一輯由多位當代譯者名家余光中、王季文、馬嵬、及陶忘機(John Balcom)等迻譯夏菁精選詩作。




Hsia Ching, the pen name of Ted C. Sheng, was born in Zhejiang, China in 1925. He received his M.S. degree from the Colorado State University (1966) and has worked with the United Nations and taught at the Colorado State University. Hsia Ching is one of the founders of the Blue Stars Poetry Association in Taiwan. In the Sixties, he served as poetry editor of several famous magazines there. Since 1954, he has produced a total of twelve volumes of poems including the recent four: Fifty Strings (2014), Walking Alone, A Folding Fan (both 2010), and a English and Chinese bilingual anthology: Selected Poems of Hsia Ching (2004). He has also published one book on critics and five volumes of essays. Now retired at Colorado he still keeps writing.

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