思想史(4) | 拾書所


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在論著部分,吳孟謙呈現了晚明思想的多元價值現象;蔡孟翰以近代東亞四國(中國、日本、朝鮮、越南)為分析對象,討論「民族」一詞的由來與演變;Roy Tseng(曾國祥)探索牟宗三思想與黑格爾(Hegel)、格林(T. H. Green)之淵源;Harry T. Dicknson一文則聚焦於英國從十八世紀下半葉到十九世紀上半葉之間的民主化過程,討論公民自由、政治權力與經濟發展之間的互動關係。



日本千葉大學人文社會研究科地球環境福祉研究中心特任准教授,研究興趣為東亞政治思想史、政治經濟學,業餘興趣為西洋政治思想、日本研究、國際關係。《騰訊.大家》專欄作家:http://dajia.qq.com/user/nishinotoin#af。近著論文:〈思考《易經》在現代社會的意義〉收於《八卦城談易—第三屆中國.特克斯世界周易論壇文集》,2015年中出版。〈21世紀的中日大戰?東亞國際秩序中的「日本問題」〉,《思想》第25期2014年5月。〈東亞的過去是西方的現在與未來—現代性與現代政治論述之商榷〉收於《普遍興特殊的辯證:政治思想的探掘》,2012年。“This Culture of Ours: Politics, Confucianism, and East Asian identities,” Journal of Political Science and Sociology, 15 (September 2011), pp. 1-20.

Roy Tseng(曾國祥)
Roy Tseng is Professor of Political Theory at National Sun Yat-SenUniversity. He specializes in political philosophy and the history ofpolitical thought. Professor Tseng is the author of The ScepticalIdealist: Michael Oakeshott as a Critic of the Enlightenment (2003)and Subject and Reason: a Conservative Interpretation of Liberalism (2009, in Chinese), and is the editor-in-chief of Societas: A Journal for Philosophical Study of Public Affairs.

Harry. T. Dickson
Having served the professorship, presidency of learn societies and educational committees for more than forty years in the Great Britain, USA, Europe and Asia, Harry T. Dickinson is now Emeritus Professor of British history at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author and editor for many books, including The Politics of People in Eighteenth-Century Britain (New York, 1993), Caricatures and the Constitution, 1760-1832 (Cambridge, 1986), Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain (London, 1977), and Ireland in the Age of Revolution 1760-1805, 6 vols. 2013 (Editor).



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