Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: How to Train Your Dragon with CD | 拾書所

Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: How to Train Your Dragon with CD

$ 220 元 原價 220

維京人小嗝住在一個小島,住在這座島很快樂,但是有個問題:每到夜晚就會有龍來襲!小嗝有辦法打敗夜襲龍成為屠龍勇士嗎? 是不是所有的龍都一定是壞的嗎?

I can fight dragons!
Hiccup the Viking lives on a small island. The Vikings are happy but they have a problem: at night the dragons come! Can Hiccup fight the dragons? And are the dragons good or bad?

Popcorn ELT Readers are a series of low-level graded readers for students in the early stages of learning English. Based on popular films, TV series and classic children’s literature, the range of titles is designed to motivate and engage younger learners. Each title includes a variety of fun activities, which cater for different learning styles, and is supported by online teacher’s notes.
Start Level:for students’ first stories in English 150 headwords.
Level 1 (Early Beginner):for students beginning to read independently in English 200 headwords.
Level 2 (Mid-Beginner):for students gaining confidence in reading in English 250 headwords.
Level 3 (High-Beginner):for students reading confidently in English 300 headwords.

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