Contemporary Interpreting Curriculum CI Techniques and Practice | 拾書所

Contemporary Interpreting Curriculum CI Techniques and Practice

$ 198 元 原價 250


This book provides trainers with essential Consecutive Interpreting (CI) techniques, and training guidelines which they can adapt to suit their own training situations. In addition, students and self-learners can enhance their interpreting skills by following the instructions and practices provided in the book. The training examples and exercises are related to the cultural and economic background of Macao and Hong Kong, and extend to cover scenic spots in China and overseas. Through the guided instructions, students and self-learners would not only acquire the skills for consecutive interpreting, but also broaden their knowledge about the socio-economical activities of their local societies and beyond."


林燕玲 Lily Lim
昆士蘭大學應用語言學博士及碩士,從事口譯實踐及會議口譯培訓十餘年,曾擔任中國--葡語國家經貿論壇部長會議及基辛格博士記者招待會等重要口譯工作。其論文發表於ReCALL, Babel, Interpreter and Translator Trainer以及Rodopi, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Routledge及書林等出版社。現任澳門理工學院副教授及中英翻譯課程主任。

The author has a PhD and Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics (University of Queensland), and has been both an interpreting practitioner and trainer of conference interpreters for over a decade, carrying out interpreting tasks for important meetings such as Ministerial Conference in the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Lusophone Countries and Dr. Henry Kissinger’s press conference. She has published papers in ReCALL, Babel, and Interpreter and Translator Trainer, as well as book chapters with Rodopi, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Routledge and Bookman. She is now Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation Program of the Macao Polytechnic Institute.

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