2016台北雙年展 | 拾書所


$ 1,140 元 原價 1,200

「2016台北雙年展」已成為二年一度的國際藝壇盛事,本屆於9月10日正式開展,展出至隔年2月5日,歷時長達5個月。本屆「台北雙年展」特別邀請客座策展人柯琳.狄瑟涵共同合作,結合國內外近80組藝術家之力,齊力展演出品項豐富、涵跨各項領域的藝術創作,透過貫穿整個展期,交錯進行的展覽、表演藝術、放映會、論壇、朗讀、研討會、工作坊等藝術計畫,密切與在地文化和教育機構協力合作。協力夥伴橫跨歐亞美洲及相異的學術範疇,包含臺北國際藝術村、牯嶺街小劇場、國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈系、臺北試演場、紀州庵文學森林、臺南市政府文化局、國立臺南藝術大學視覺藝術研創中心、香港亞洲藝術文獻庫、Vernacular Institute、Motto Books等。 『十』在華人社群,代表著完滿、階段、展向未來,「2016台北雙年展」適逢第十屆,邁向二十載,特別呼應了對於歷史、時間的處理。過去「台北雙年展」大部分是針對當下的議題,但是策展人狄瑟涵所提出的,卻是回顧歷史並重新檢視的方法論,她除了為本屆雙年展進行公開徵件(open call),也在籌備期間三次來台深度訪談台灣的藝術家、學者、藝術教育工作者、人類學家,希望在臺灣國際空間不足的情況下,透過雙年展平台更加支持臺灣的當代藝術。本屆參展的藝術家中,臺灣藝術家所占比例也是歷年來最高,策展人尤其大膽地邀請了許多年輕藝術家,以史學研究中的「隔代觀察」方式,回到觀察者的角色,帶出自由對話的可能性。
In Chinese communities, the number “10” represents a milestone, a completion, with a view toward the future. The 2016 Taipei Biennial is the tenth session of the biennial as the event celebrates its 20th year, an occasion that especially calls for reflection on history, archives, and location. With European and American art history as case studies, curator Corinne Diserens proposed a historical retrospective and a reinterpretation of methodology as a starting point for explorations centered on East Asian and Southeast Asian regions. With Taipei Fine Arts Museum as a base for interpretation, she opened up spaces we have forgotten and challenges habitual structures of museum exhibition. Aided by the open-call process, the curator also conducted in-depth interviews with local artists, academics, arts educators, and anthropologists during the planning period. A record number of Taiwanese artists participated in this biennial. The curator boldly invited a number of young artists in an “inter-generational observation” to bring out cross-generational fictional imaginings of historical fragments, and possibilities for free dialogue. She hoped, on the one hand, to support contemporary art in Taiwan under Taiwan’s unique political situation through the platform of the Biennial; on the other hand, to expand on global images in the contemporary contemplations of discrepancies in geopolitics.

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