臺北市立美術館典藏選粹 | 拾書所


$ 618 元 原價 650

適逢本館35 週年之際,邀集館內研究人員共同參與《典藏選粹》之選件與策劃。除力換經典新貌,尤其針對近10 年來所收藏的當代佳作提供曝光機會,共計選出166 位藝術家的175 件作品。
英文內容大要: Upon the museum's 35th anniversary, researchers who work at the museum are invited to participate in the selection and curation of Collection Highlights . Not only will some new art works be brought into what is considered classic within the museum's collection, contemporary works of excellence that have entered the collection within the past 10 years will have an opportunity to be made known to the public; a total of 175 works by 166 artists has been selected.

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