洪耀勳文獻選輯 | 拾書所


$ 378 元 原價 430



Who is Hung Yao-hsün? Is there Taiwanese philosophy? What is Taiwanese philosophy? Why is Hung Yao-hsün’s thought deeply related to philosophy of existence and Japanese philosophy? What is the relationship between the reception and development of philosophy in East Asia and Hung Yao-hsün’s philosophical thought? In what form can Hung Yao-hsün’s philosophical thoughts be related to the development of philosophy in East Asia? What is the contemporary significance of his philosophical thinking?

This book contains eight philosophical articles written by Hung Yao-hsün between1934-1943, when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. These papers show implicit and explicit references to Kyoto School philosophy, which is a resource for his philosophical thinking. In response to the philosophical development at that time, Hung develops the notion of historical existence by citing Nishida’s theory of I and Thou. Besides, he explores the concept of existence as the philosophical foundation of Taiwanese literature, and argues the philosophy of value of Neo-Kantianism should echo the historical reality in order to overcome the metaphysical world of value. Hung’s philosophy deepens the concept of existence, and transforms the philosophical resources of Watsuji’s theory of Fūdo, Mutai Risaku’s logic of world expression and Tanabe’s logic of species into Taiwan’s historical reality of “individuality, particularity and universality;” these philosophies developed into a new dimension in Taiwan, a culture alien to Japan.


臺灣高雄人。日本筑波大學人文社會科學研究科(哲學.思想專攻)文學碩士、博士。曾任臺灣中山大學哲學研究所助理教授、中央研究院中國文哲研究所博士後研究員,現為廣州中山大學哲學系副教授、博士生導師,Journal of Japanese Philosophy編輯委員、中華日本哲學會理事。主要研究方向為日本哲學、跨文化哲學、宗教哲學、文化研究。出版著作《宗教哲學的救濟論:後期田邊哲學的研究》、《近代日本哲學中的田邊元哲學:比較哲學與跨文化哲學的視點》。

生於香港。日本東北大學博士(哲學)。現任香港中文大學日本研究學系講師、Tetsugaku Companions to Japanese Philosophy編輯、Journal of Japanese Philosophy助理編輯、International Journal of Asian Studies編輯委員。曾任日本學習院大學東洋文化研究所客員研究員、關西學院大學客員助教授、臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院訪問學者。研究興趣為日本的哲學、思想與文學,出版著作《西田幾多郎──跨文化視野下的日本哲學》。合編著作有Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 4: Facing the 21st Century、《日本哲学の多様性》、《東亞視野下的日本哲學──傳統、現代與轉化》、《東亞視域中的自我與個人》、Globalizing Japanese Philosophy as an Academic Discipline。



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