Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. This reader is based on the animated television show Geronimo Stilton, and the episode about a cheese connection. Geronimo Stilton: The Cheese Connection is one of many readers based on the show, and is the first to be published in eight years.
Geronimo Stilton was born in New Mouse City, Mouse Island. He is the editor and publisher of The Rodent's Gazette, New Mouse City's most widely read daily newspaper. He is the author of more than 40 adventure novels, and the recipient of the Ratitzer Prize for his books The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid and The Search for Sunken Treasure. In his spare time, Mr. Stilton collects antique cheese rinds and plays golf. He also enjoys telling stories to his nephew Benjamin.
Visit me online at www.geronimostilton.com.