環保創藝 化廢為寶 | 拾書所

環保創藝 化廢為寶

$ 288 元 原價 320

A grand masquerade of recyclables featuring materials like plastic, metal, paper, tetra pak etc. taking its turn on stage to showcase the limitless potential of creative upcycling, from lifestyle handicrafts to creative artworks which are interesting and practical.

Our Tzu Chi volunteers’ love for planet are evident from the planning and conceptualization of their artworks which is presented in a highly artistic manner whereby their attentiveness and professionalism are reflected, while striking a good balance between emotionality and rationality.
——國立臺灣師範大學環境教育研究所教授 葉欣誠
Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh, Research Professor @Graduate Institute of Environment, National Taiwan Normal University

Tzu-Chi volunteers contribute their own creativity and turned the worthless trash into upcycled artworks. It’s inspiring to see the transformation!
——小智研發共同創辦人暨執行長 黃謙智
Mr. Arthur Huang, Co-founder & CEO of Miniwiz

As we flip through this book, it is hard not to commend on both the creativity of Tzu Chi’s environmental protection volunteers and their cherishing thoughts on our planet’s resources as we get a glimpse of how they turn trash into precious artwork.
——慈濟慈善志業執行長 顏博文
Mr. Po-Wen Yen, CEO of Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

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