Marky Polo in Tokyo | 拾書所

Marky Polo in Tokyo

$ 251 元 原價 270

穿山甲Marky Polo,來自著名的旅行者與探險家家族。

Marky首次的旅行,將拜訪他位在東京的堂哥Munchie Polo!

為了追回行李,Marky 將展開穿梭在東京的冒險旅程。

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Marky Polo is a pangolin who comes from a family line of famous travelers and explorers. Unlike his family, Marky has never travelled and isn''t sure if he likes adventures.

Now, Marky is traveling overseas for the first time ― to visit his cousin, Munchie Polo, in Tokyo! But when Marky lands in Narita Airport, his luggage bag is taken by another traveler. Will Marky Polo ever catch up with his luggage in his madcap chase across Tokyo?


Emily Lim-Leh是新加坡知名的童書作家。她撰寫了30多本畫書,並獲得多座圖書獎項。她個人出版的《Toy Books》已在五個國家發行,並售出60,000冊。

Emily Lim-Leh is one of the top picture book authors in Singapore. She has written over 30 children''s picture books and received multiple book awards and accolades. Her bestselling self-published four-picture book toy series has sold 60,000 copies and has been published in five countries.

Emily was named Mediacorp''s Singapore Woman Award Honoree 2013 for inspiring readers through her children''s books and her memoir Finding My Voice, which chronicles her journey of losing her voice to a rare voice disorder and finding a new voice in writing.

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