如果島嶼會作夢(中英雙語) | 拾書所


$ 600 元 原價 600


When Islands Dream extends analysis of dreams in recent trauma studies to the Dreaming Ceremony in Matsu, and boldly asks: can artists play the role of “dreamers”, collecting lost dreams while also evoking imaginations about the future? This project incorporates sound collection, dance performances, video installation and photo-cartography workshops to uncover latent memories and emotions, projecting and overlaying residents' thoughts on the present and future, and constructing a local spatial and temporal archive for Matsu.


Hsieh Yu-Ting
Master of museum studies from Taipei National University of the Arts and Bachelor of English at National Taiwan University. She currently works at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. In 2019, she was grants Curator’s Incubator Program at Museum from National Cultural and Arts Foundation. Her research interests include how contemporary arts respond to difficult history and how to decolonize and democratize museums and other cultural institutions. She publishes extensively on Art Accrediting, UDN Global and other media platforms.

國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所博士班副教授兼所長,策展人。1966年,出生於臺灣嘉義,1998年獲得國立臺灣大學哲學博士學位。2006年,發表《身體部署:梅洛龐蒂與現象學之後》一書,獲臺灣中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎。2009年起,擔任《藝術觀點ACT》季刊主編,該雜誌並於2011年獲得國家出版獎特優獎。2013年起,策劃臺北誠品畫廊的「我們是否工作過量?(Are We Working Too Much?)」展覽,開始投入當代藝術策展工作。2017年擔任「近未來的交陪:2017蕭壠國際當代藝術節」策展人,該展獲得台新藝術獎第16屆年度大獎。2018年擔任國美館「野根莖─2018台灣美術雙年展」客座策展人;2019年擔任由國立臺灣文學館與空總臺灣當代文化實驗場聯合主辦的「妖氣都市:鬼怪文學與當代藝術特展」策展人。近年受邀擔任2021年高美館「TAKAO.台客.南方HUE:李俊賢」雙策展人之一以及「2022 Mattauw大地藝術季」策展人。
Gong Jow-Jiun
Associate professor and director of the Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory at the Tainan National University of the Arts. Gong is acclaimed as Chinese translator of writings by Gaston Bachelard, Maurice Merlau-Ponty and Carl Gustav Jung into Chinese. Besides his research, Gong is engaging with curatorial activities. In 2013, he curated the exhibition “Are We Working too Much?” at the Eslite Gallery, Taipei. In 2017, he curated the exhibition “Kau-Puê, Mutual Companionship in Near Future: 2017 Soulangh International Contemporary Art Festival” that wins the 16th Taishin Arts Award. In 2018, he curated the exhibition “2018 Taiwan Biennial─Wild Rhizome”. In 2021, he curated the exhibition TAKAO TAIKE SOUTHERN HUE JUINSHYAN LEE, & 2022 Mattauw Earth triennial Tseng-wen River─A River with A Thousand Name.

Chen Ping-Hao
Film critic from Taoyuan, Taiwan. Born in 1980. His recent interests explore how films serve as art and technique, politics of images and the re-examination of Taiwanese film history. He has published extensively on FunScreen, Film Appreciation Journal and other magazines.

Sally Tian
Master of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, National Taiwan University of Arts.

Alexandra Lin
Bachelor of History, National Taiwan University

Sean Trudi Hsu
Born and raised in Tainan, Sean Trudi Hsu is a Butoh dancer and a student of Kazuo Ohno. He specializes in Butoh, modern dance, theater, and performance art, and works across choreography, performance, teaching, and consulting. His works are often based on the pure white body of Butoh, interpreted in a depressing, brutal, or painful way, touching the viewer through uncovered exposure and soul-searching questions.

Wang Yu-Song
Born in Hualien in 1994, Wang Yu-Song is currently a student at the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan. He received a B.A. in printmaking from the School of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts in 2016. A mixed-media artist, he aims at exploring various possibilities of creation in everyday lives through lived experience and personal observations. His works often incorporate affects, physical sensations, and spatial elements. His recent works focus on the “past” that has existed, the “now” that is happening, and the “future” that may take place. Wang likes to explore the ambiguous zone between fiction and reality through his own living environment, lived experience, and to a greater extent, social consciousness and relationships in groups. Through objects, images or particular spatial configurations, his works invite the viewers to open up all their senses and read and interpret the works with their own imagination.

澎葉生(Yannick Dauby)
1974年生於法國,他的專業養成為具象音樂和即興音樂,使用拾得物、電子原音工具和攝音術。 作為一個錄音工作者,他對於動物、自然聲音和都會/工業情境,以及不尋常的聲音現象,都很感興趣。他也與音樂或舞蹈工作者、視覺或影像創作者時常合作,生產出的形式如影音演出、出版或裝置、展覽。他同時也是獨立電影領域的聲音設計與混音工作者。2007年起,他主要生活與創作地點在台灣。著迷於人類學與生態學的他,透過個人創作與研究,持續探索這座島嶼的聲音風景,發展與地方社群有關的創作計劃、紀錄某些環境內的生物與環境的互動。他也與生物學家合作,創造介於藝術與地方的計畫。近期出版山林環境錄音書〈福山,太平山〉(中英雙語)。個人網站:www.kalerne.net
Yannick Dauby
b. 1974, France/Taiwan. Background in musique concrète and improvisation, using found objects, electroacoustic devices and phonography.
As a sound recordist, he has particular interest for animals or nature sounds as well as urban/industrial situations and unusual acoustic phenomena. Excursions are pretext to a sonic gathering, and often leads to the realization of phonographic collages. He often collaborates with other musicians, visual artists and dancers, producing audio-visual performances, publications or installations. He is also an independent and awarded sound designer and sound mixer for cinema: documentary films, short films, fiction and experimental cinema.
He has based in Taiwan since 2007, interested into the field of anthropology and ecology, exploring the island's soundscape through artistic research, developing art projects in local communities (Hakka, Atayal) and documenting the fauna and its environment, creating art & science projects in collaborations with biologists. He has been involved in projects related to coral reefs in Penghu and mountain forests in Northern Taiwan.

荷蘭萊頓大學媒體研究所碩士,研究聚焦於動態影像中的時間哲學、後殖民歷史方法論與網路藝術理論。文章散見於臺北數位藝術中心、今藝術、空總實驗波、國藝會現象書寫- 視覺藝評:「雲的藝評」。從小熱愛當代藝術,近期嘗試將自己的詩集《一場雨的時間》轉化為實驗電影與行為藝術,經營平台 「雲朵影像詩」,推廣以詩為劇本的影像創作。個人網站:https://cloudartproduction.format.com/
Huang Hsiang-Yun
Hsiang-Yun Huang (X.Y. Huang) is a visual artist and researcher of contemporary art theory based in Taiwan and the Netherlands.
She completed her bachelor in Philosophy at National Taiwan University, before going on to graduate at the Film and Photographic Studies master at Leiden University (NL) with the thesis “The Treatment of Time in Cinema: A Case Study of Cinema of Long Take, Tsai-Ming Liang’s Stray Dogs (2013) and What Time Is It There? (2001)” employing a Deleuzian framework.

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