Journey to the West: Enlightenment精裝 | 拾書所

Journey to the West: Enlightenment精裝

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Spiders! Centipedes! Rhinos and bulls! Tripitaka, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and White Dragon Horse have to battle these and more as they near the end of their journey. Will their bravery and determination be enough to see them through? What other troubles will they face in their quest for the holy scriptures? Join our heroes in this third and final book of their journey to the West and find out if they will finally gain enlightenment!


Low Ying Ping 是暢銷小說《Mount Emily》小說的作者,這是一個以友誼和時間旅行為主題的青少年幻想系列小說。第二部小說《Mount Emily Revisited》榮獲了2017年新加坡圖書獎中級/青年組的獎項,也入圍新加坡大眾書局所舉辦的讀者票選獎。她的短篇小說《The Age When Magic Begins》獲得了2018年英國奇幻文學協會短篇小說大賽二等獎。

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