《快樂學數學》系列啟動孩子的算術能力大躍進!孩子將會愛上書中的可愛動物與有趣故事,並在當中學習序數、數數(counting)、跳數(skip counting)、加法、減法等數學概念。
Riley the Rhinoceros is playing hide and seek with her calf, Ryker. She hears noises in the forest. Could that be Ryker? Riley charges toward the sounds.
She does not see the trees and crashes into them!
Follow the rhinoceros'' playful adventure in the rainforest, and learn about ordinal numbers and counting to ten.
Read fun facts about the Sumatran rhinoceros!
Jump start your child''s advancement in numeracy with the Happy Learning Math series. Your child will delight in the fun stories about animals and encounter Math concepts, such as ordinal numbers, counting, skip counting, addition, subtraction and more.
Materials for interactive play and links to printables are also included, turning each book into a hands-on experiential learning tool. Fun Science facts are also weaved into each story to spark your child''s curiosity about the world.
This book comes with bonus fun and interactive elements to reinforce your child''s learning of Math concepts!
作者Fynn是教育網站Happy Tot Shelf (www.happytotshelf.com)的創始人,同時也是三個孩子的媽媽。在孩子的成長過程中,她運用自己擔任數學與自然教師的經驗與熱情,從生活中培養孩子們對學習的熱情。她在 Happy Tot Shelf 上透過文章、影片與所有家長分享學習資源、她的想法、與孩子的互動技巧,希望幫助所有的家長成為孩子的第一個老師,也是最棒的老師!
插畫家Małgosia Zając和家人住在波蘭克拉科夫,該地以城堡和龍而聞名,她與來世界各地的童書作者合作,包括:波蘭、加拿大、荷蘭、奧地利、沙烏地阿拉伯和新加坡等地,她繪製的繪製的斯洛維尼亞語版《How to Frighten a Monster》被選入知名慕尼黑國際青少年圖書館所製作的的「2020年白烏鴉目錄(White Ravens list)」。