台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 50):台灣文學與「寫實主義」小說專輯 | 拾書所

台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 50):台灣文學與「寫實主義」小說專輯

$ 379 元 原價 480

During the early stages of its development, Taiwan’s New Literature was intimately connected with realism.
The year 2022 is the one-hundredth anniversary of fiction writing in Taiwan, and also the one-hundredth anniversary of modernist literature in the English-speaking world. For the former, this is the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of Chui Feng’s “Where Will She Go?” For the latter, it is the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of James Joyce’s (1882–1941) novel Ulysses, and Anglo-American writer T. S. Eliot’s (1888–1965) poem The Waste Land. When the Alphabet Lab was first established, it also paid tribute to the contribution of modernism in the development of post-war Taiwan literature. In this special fiftieth issue on “Taiwan Fiction and ‘Realism,’” we once again identify and trace out the pathways and objectives of Taiwan’s writer apostles over the past one-hundred years.



【About the Editors】

Kuo-ch'ing Tu, born in Taichung, Taiwan. His research interests include Chinese literature, Chinese poetics and literary theories, comparative literature East and West, and world literatures of Chinese (Shi-Hua wenxue). He is the author of numerous books of poetry in Chinese, as well as translator of English, Japanese, and French works into Chinese.

Terence Russell is Senior Scholar in the Asian Studies Center at the University of Manitoba. He has an interest in contemporary literature in Chinese, especially the literature of Taiwan's Indigenous people. Dr. Russell has been a regular contributor to Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series, and was the guest editor of Issue 24 on Taiwan Indigenous myths and oral literature.

Li-hsuan Chang is currently an associate professor at the Research Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Taiwan University, and concurrently serves as the twelfth Secretary-General of the Cultural Studies Society (2021–2023), director of the Taiwan Lee Chiao Literature Association, and Director of Hsieh Tsung–min Cultural and Educational Foundation. Her research interests include the field of post-war Taiwanese literature, the Republic of China literature, the production of newspapers and periodicals during the martial law period, and the research and re-culturation of Taiwan Literature. She is the author of Two Major Newspapers’ Literature Awards and the Formation of Taiwan’s Literary Ecology (2010), Construction and Change: Realism and Taiwan Fiction Production (2016).

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