How Asians View Democratic Legitimacy | 拾書所

How Asians View Democratic Legitimacy

$ 1,144 元 原價 1,300

This edited volume is intended to showcase the breadth and depth of the collaborative intellectual enterprise that the Asian Barometer Survey (ABS) network has built up over the past two decades. To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the ABS, we invited ABS partners to contribute their intellectual findings to this edited volume. Except for the introduction, this volume consists of twenty-seven chapters divided into two sections. The first part of the book contains eleven chapters that are based on previously published studies and are updated based on the latest ABS data. The second part of the book focuses on issues specific to each country or autonomous territory and consists of sixteen chapters. Among the topics discussed are potential threats to third-wave democracies, evolving ideology in one-party states, cases of denied democracy, and peculiar challenges faced by long-term democracies. The contributors are the indispensable partners that have made the ABS possible over the past two decades. In addition to celebrating the long-term collective efforts of those who participated in the ABS project, this edited volume also sets out to address the ongoing debate over the future of democracy in Asia.



【About the Editors】
Yun-han Chu was Distinguished Research Fellow in the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica and Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. He was the founder of the Asian Barometer Survey and specialized in the politics of Greater China, East Asian political economy, and democratization. He also served on the editorial board of several journals and was the author and editor of more than fifteen books.

Yu-tzung Chang is the Director of Fu Hu Center for Democratic Studies and Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. He is currently the co-principal investigator of the Asian Barometer Survey. He studies democratization, electoral politics, and the political economy of East Asia.

Min-hua Huang is Professor in the Department of Political Science at the College of Social Sciences in National Taiwan University and the Principal Investigator of the Asian Barometer Survey. He specializes in the politics of China, democratic legitimacy, methodology, and democratization.

Kai-Ping Huang is Associate Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University. Her research interests include party systems, formal institutions, and democratization focusing on East and Southeast Asia.

朱雲漢(Yun-han Chu)曾任中央研究院院士與亞洲民主動態調查創始人。朱院士的研究專長為大中華地區政治、東亞地區的政治經濟議題以及民主化研究。

張佑宗(Yu-tzung Chang)為國立臺灣大學政治系教授與胡佛東亞民主研究中心主任。張教授的研究專長為民主化研究、選舉研究以及東亞地區的政治經濟研究。

黃旻華(Min-hua Huang)為國立臺灣大學政治系教授與亞洲民主動態調查主持人。黃教授的研究專長為民主化研究、中國政治與計量統計方法。

黃凱苹(Kai-Ping Huang)為國立臺灣大學政治系副教授與亞洲民主動態調查共同主持人。黃副教授的研究專長為政黨體系,政治制度、民主化與東南亞政治。

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