偶像劇番外篇學英語會話 | 拾書所


$ 293 元 原價 299




本書收錄 70 個最實用的「情境對話」,讓你在熟悉的場景與對白中,自然地吸收單字與文法;每單元並附「30 秒對話教室」,讓你掌握說話訣竅,不吃螺絲不漏氣,放感情講台詞,真功夫當主角。






情境 01.這是誰的筆記本? ╱ 010

情境 02.沒關係,讓我來 ╱ 014

情境 03.鬼屋試膽大會 ╱ 018

情境 04.原來你也喜歡同一支球隊 ╱ 022

情境 05.誰來救救我!? ╱ 026

情境 06.拾金不昧 ╱ 030

情境 07.小姐,請拿出妳的駕照 ╱ 034

情境 08.狗狗幫主人送作堆 ╱ 038

情境 09.在機場拿錯行李 ╱ 042

情境 10.行車小擦撞 ╱ 046

情境 11.浪漫燭光晚餐 ╱ 050

情境 12.湖邊小屋渡假 ╱ 054


情境 13.與搬家的青梅竹馬重逢 ╱ 060

情境 14.愛慕者送的不識相禮物 ╱ 064

情境 15.原來你喜歡的是我姊姊 ╱ 068

情境 16.暗戀對象有男友? ╱ 072

情境 17.好友橫刀奪愛 ╱ 076

情境 18.女友是朋友花錢請來的? ╱ 080

情境 19.可疑小三原來是男方妹妹 ╱ 084

情境 20.在女方家樓下看到影子以為是小王 ╱ 088

情境 21.西裝上有唇印 ╱ 092

情境 22.誰留下的女性內衣? ╱ 096

情境 23.跟蹤你,去哪裡? ╱ 100

情境 24.小三送的定情物? ╱ 104

情境 25.忘了你是誰 ╱ 108

情境 26.我們都後悔了 ╱ 112

情境 27.父母反對 ╱ 116

情境 28.在婚禮上悔婚 ╱ 120


情境 29.隨時都在玩手機 ╱ 126

情境 30.還留著前女友的物品 ╱ 130

情境 31.愛看辣妹 ╱ 134

情境 32.今天要看哪部電影? ╱ 138

情境 33.藍綠立場大不同 ╱ 142

情境 34.愛車才是大老婆? ╱ 146

情境 35.你一聲不吭跑去哪? ╱ 150

情境 36.不懂撒嬌的女強人 ╱ 154

情境 37.迷戀偶像 ╱ 158

情境 38.不擅甜言蜜語 ╱ 162

情境 39.運動寡婦 ╱ 166

情境 40.男友被電玩搶走了? ╱ 170

情境 41.老公是媽寶 ╱ 174

情境 42.岳父看未來女婿 ╱ 178

Part4兩人世界BYE BYE

情境 43.幫女友向老師請假 ╱ 184

情境 44.與女友及室友相處 ╱ 188

情境 45.靈感來了!別打擾我! ╱ 192

情境 46.男友是工作狂 ╱ 196

情境 47.探視當兵男友 ╱ 200

情境 48.秘書女友與老闆 ╱ 204

情境 ...


情境 43 幫女友向老師請假
Austine 的女友 Jocelyn 一夜之間突然得了重感冒,同時上吐下瀉,根本無法
到校上課。因此 Austine 先將女友暫時安頓好,親自前往 Jocelyn 教授的辦公
Austine’s girlfriend Jocelyn catches a severe cold overnight, with
vomiting and diarrhea, which makes her unable to attend her class.
For that reason, Austine first takes care of his girlfriend for the time
being, then goes to of Jocelyn’s professor’s office to ask for a sick
leave for her in person.
Austin Excuse me, Professor Green. I am Austine
Newman, a senior student in history department. I’m
here for requesting a sick leave for a student of
yours, Jocelyn Wagner. Professor Green Oh, is that the hard
studying girl with a ponytail, who always carries a dictionary to
class? You must be her boyfriend, right?
Professor Green,抱歉打擾了,我是歷史系四
年級的 A u s t i n e Newman,我來幫您的
一位學生, J o c e l y n Wagner 請假。
Austine Yes, I am. She still insists on looking up words in a
dictionary even now with an easy access to an electronic
dictionary. She thinks she can get more detailed
explanations from a dictionary. Professor Green It is this
kind of spirit for learning a language well.
I have a high expectation for her. What’s wrong with her?
Autine Oh, she has started vomiting and having diarrhea
this morning when she got up. She has been so faint and
weak that she can’t even stand up straight. I think she has
a cold. Prof...

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