Starting Out with C++: Early Objects, 7/e (IE-Paperback) | 拾書所

Starting Out with C++: Early Objects, 7/e (IE-Paperback)

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This book’s pedagogy, organization, and clear writing style remain the same as in the previous edition. However, many improvements have been made to make it even more student-friendly and to keep it state of the art for introductory programming using the C++ programming language.
1.Updated MaterialMaterial has been updated throughout the book to reflect changes in technology, operating systems, and software development environments, as well as to improve clarity and incorporate best practices in object-oriented programming.
2.New MaterialNew material has been added on a number of topics including embedding operating system calls in program code, using object composition and aggregation, and creating text-based graphics.
3.Completely Revised Chapter 7Chapter 7, Introduction to Classes and Objects, has been reorganized and almost entirely rewritten to start right in with classes and objects, instead of introducing structures first.
4.Greater Focus on Object-Oriented ProgrammingMany examples throughout the text have been rewritten to incorporate appropriate use of classes and objects.
5.ReusabilityMaterial has been added illustrating how to create general classes that can be appropriately reused in multiple applications.
6.Improved DiagramsMany diagrams have been improved and new diagrams added to better illustrate important concepts.
7.Online VideoNotesAn extensive set of online videos have been developed to accompany this text. Throughout the book, VideoNotes icons alert the student to videos covering specific topics they are studying. Additionally, one Programming Challenge at the end of each chapter now has an accompanying video explaining how to develop the problem’s solution. The videos are available at
7.New Tying It All Together SectionsA new Tying It All Together section has been added at the end of every chapter that shows the student how to do something clever and fun with the material covered in that chapter.
8.New Programming ChallengesNew Programming Challenges have been added to every chapter, including a number of Challenges that ask students to develop object-oriented solutions and to create solutions that reuse, modify, and build on previously written code.
9.New Compiler and IDE Bundled with the BookThe MinGW C++ Compiler and wxDev-C++ Software Development Environment now come bundled, for free, with the book. 10.New AppendicesAn Appendix has been added on using the MinGW C++ Compiler and wxDev-C++ IDE that accompany the book. Additional new appendices cover the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition IDE and Multiple and Virtual Inheritance.
1.Classes are introduced in Chapter 7, right after control structures and functions.
2.Procedural and object-oriented programming is covered with advanced OOP topics, recursion, linked lists, stacks, queues, and binary trees included in later chapters.
3.Tony Gaddis’s best-selling Starting Out with series of textbooks provides accessible, detailed presentations of programming concepts using an approach that will increase confidence and competence in novice programmers.
4.A clear and student-friendly writing style with stepped-out explanations simplifies concepts for beginning programmers. Concise, practical, and real-world examples—over 350 in the entire book—that students understand and relate to foster motivation and retention. A variety of exercises in each chapter encourage students to put concepts to work as they are learned. Source code is provided so students can run the programs themselves.
5.Each new copy of the Seventh Edition comes with a Student Resource Disk that includes answers to all Checkpoint questions, answers to odd-numbered Review Questions and Exercises, source code, additional case studies with source code, all appendices, and a C++ compiler.
6.MyCodeMate, available for the Seventh Edition, is a Web-based, textbook-specific homework tool and programming resource for an introduction to programming course. It provides a wide range of tools that students can use to help them learn programming concepts, prepare for tests, and earn better grades in the introductory programming course. Students can work on programming problems from this text or homework problems created by their professors, and receive guided hints with page references and English explanations of compiler errors. Instructors can assign textbook-specific or self-created homework problems, preset style attributes, view students’ code and class compiler error logs, and track homework completion. A complimentary subscription is offered when an access code is ordered packaged with a new copy of this text. Subscriptions may also be purchased online. For more information visit MyCodeMate.


Ch1:Introduction to Computers and Programming 

Ch2:Introduction to C++ 

Ch3:Expressions and Interactivity 

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