The Java Developers Almanac 2000, 3/e | 拾書所

The Java Developers Almanac 2000, 3/e

$ 199 元 原價 640


The ultimate Java quick reference -- now fully updated for J2SE Version 1.3!

  • Raves from the experts! "An indispensable desk reference!" -Bill Joy, Chief Scientist, Sun Microsystems. "Quite simply, a stroke of genius." -John Vlissides, IBM T.J. Watson Research, and co-author of Design Patterns. "I love this book... -James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language!"
  • JDK 1.0/1.1 and J2SE 1.2/1.3 -- 2,100 classes and 24,000 members, organized and cross-referenced for fast lookup and complete answers!
  • Includes more than 300 concise "examplets™" demonstrating each package's key operations!
Thousands of expert Java developers rely on The Java™ Developers Almanac series for the fast answers they need to save time -- and the authoritative guidance they need to build great Java applications. The latest book in the series, The Java™ Developers Almanac 2000, offers up-to-the-minute, thorough quick-reference information for four major versions of the core Java™ Class Libraries: JDKs 1.0/1.1 and J2SE versions 1.2 and 1.3! The latest edition covers 2,100 classes and 24,000 members, all formatted, organized, and cross-referenced for easy lookup! It includes complete member listings of every class; detailed analyses of API changes for each release, coverage of the Java virtual machine, JNI, PersonalJava TM, and 300+ "examplets TM" succinctly demonstrating each package's key operations. Also available: The Java™ Class Libraries Poster, 5/E. Covering the Java™ 2 Platfor, Standard Edition v1.3. Chan/Lee 0-201-43297-8, $9.95x.

Patrick Chan is CTO of and winner of The 1998 Duke Award at JavaOne™. Chan was a founding member and lead developer of the original Java project at Sun Microsystems, Inc. He is co-author of The Java Class Libraries books and posters in Addison Wesley's Java™ Series.

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Appropriate Courses

Java--Intermediate Programming.

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Table Of Contents

Part 1: Packages.
Part 2: Classes.
Part 3: Topics.
Part 4: Cross-Reference. 0201432994T04062001

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