The Java Programming Language, 4/e (Paperback) | 拾書所

The Java Programming Language, 4/e (Paperback)

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Table of Contents:

Preface   xxi

Chapter 1: A Quick Tour   1

1.1  Getting Started   1
1.2  Variables   3
1.3  Comments in Code   6
1.4  Named Constants   7
1.5  Unicode Characters   8
1.6  Flow of Control   9
1.7  Classes and Objects   12
1.8  Methods and Parameters   15
1.9  Arrays   18
1.10  String Objects   21
1.11  Extending a Class   24
1.12  Interfaces   27
1.13  Generic Types   29
1.14  Exceptions   32
1.15  Annotations   35
1.16  Packages   36
1.17  The Java Platform   38
1.18  Other Topics Briefly Noted   39

Chapter 2: Classes and Objects   41

2.1  A Simple Class   42
2.2  Fields   44
2.3  Access Control   47
2.4  Creating Objects   49
2.5  Construction and Initialization   50
2.6  Methods   56
2.7  this   68
2.8  Overloading Methods   69
2.9  Importing Static Member Names   71
2.10  The main Method   73
2.11  Native Methods   74

Chapter 3: Extending Classes   75

3.1  An Extended Class   76
3.2  Constructors in Extended Classes   80
3.3  Inheriting and Redefining Members   84
3.4  Type Compatibility and Conversion   90
3.5  What protected Really Means   93
3.6  Marking Methods and Classes final   96
3.7  Abstract Classes and Methods   97
3.8  The Object Class   99
3.9  Cloning Objects   101
3.10  Extending Classes: How and When   107
3.11  Designing a Class to Be Extended   108
3.12  Single Inheritance versus Multiple Inheritance   114

Chapter 4: Interfaces   117

4.1  A Simple Interface Example   118
4.2  Interface Declarations   120
4.3  Extending Interfaces   122
4.4  Working with Interfaces   126
4.5  Marker Interfaces   130
4.6  When to Use Interfaces   131

Chapter 5: Nested Classes and Interfaces   133

5.1  Static Nested Types   133
5.2  Inner Classes   136
5.3  Local Inner Classes   142
5.4  Anonymous Inner Classes   144
5.5  Inheriting Nested Types   146
5.6  Nesting in Interfaces   148
5.7  Implementation of Nested Types   149

Chapter 6: Enumeration Types   151

6.1  A Simple Enum Example   151
6.2  Enum Declarations   152
6.3  Enum Constant Declarations   154
6.4  java.lang.Enum    159
6.5  To Enum or Not   160

Chapter 7: Tokens, Values, and Variables   161

7.1  Lexical Elements   161
7.2  Types and Literals   166
7.3  Variables   169
7.4  Array Variables   173
7.5  The Meanings of Names   178

Chapter 8: Primitives as Types   183

8.1  Common Fields and Methods   184
8.2  Void    187
8.3  Boolean    187
8.4  Number    188
8.5  Character    192
8.6  Boxing Conversions   198

Chapter 9: Operators and Expressions   201

9.1  Arithmetic Operations   201
9.2  General Operators   204
9.3  Expressions   214
9.4  Type Conversions   216
9.5  Operator Precedence and Associativity   221
9.6  Member Access   223

Chapter 10: Control Flow 229

10.1  Statements and Blocks   229
10.2  if-else    230
10.3  switch    232
10.4  while and do-while    235
10.5  for    236
10.6  Labels   241
10.7  break    241
10.8  continue    244
10.9  return    245
10.10  What, No goto?   246

Chapter 11: Generic Types   247

11.1  Generic Type Declarations   250
11.2  Working with Generic Types   256
11.3  Generic Methods and Constructors   260
11.4  Wildcard Capture   264
11.5  Under the Hood: Erasure and Raw Types   267
11.6  Finding the Right Method--Revisited   272
11.7  Class Extension and Generic Types   276

Chapter 12: Exceptions and Assertions 279

12.1  Creating Exception Types   280
12.2  throw    282
12.3  The throws Clause   283
12.4   try, catch, and finally   286
12.5  Exception Chaining   291
12.6  Stack Traces   294
12.7  When to Use Exceptions   294
12.8  Assertions   296
12.9  When to Use Assertions   297
12.10  Turning Assertions On and Off   300

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