Principles of Marketing: An Asian Perspective, 4/e (IE-Paperback) | 拾書所

Principles of Marketing: An Asian Perspective, 4/e (IE-Paperback)

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Principles of· Marketing: An Asian Perspective reflects the major trends and fo rces impacting marketing in this era of custon1er value and relationships. We've thoroughly revised the text. This new edition builds on and extends the innovative customer-value framework from previous editions. No other marketing text presents such a clear and co1nprehensive customer-value approach. Here are just some of the major and continuing changes you'll find in this edition:
• Throughout the third edition, you will find revised coverage of the rapidly changing nature of customer relationships with con1panies and brands. Today's marketers  aim to create deep consun1er involven1ent and a sense of co1nmunity surrounding a brand-to make the brand a meaningful part of consu1ners' conversations and their lives. Today's new relationship-building tools include everything from Web sites, blogs, in-person events and video sharing, to online communities and social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or a company's own social networking sites.
• The third edition contains new material on the continuing trend toward two-way interactions between customers and brands, including such topics as customer-managed relationships, crowdsourcing, and consumergenerated marketing. Today's customers are giving as much as they get in the form of two-way relationships(Chapter I), a more active role in providing customer insights (Chapter 4), crowdsourcing and shaping new products (Chapter 9), consumer-generated marketing content (Chapters 1, J 4, and 15), developing or passing along brand messages (Chapters l and 15), interacting in customer communities (Chapters 5, 15, and 17), and other developments.
• New material throughout the third edition highlights the increasing in1po1tance of sustainable marketing. The discussion begins in Chapter 1 and ends in Chapter 20, which pulls marketing together under a sustainable marketing framework. In between, frequent discussions and exan1ples show how sustainable marketing calls for socially and environmentally responsible actions that meet both the immediate and the future needs of customers, companies, and society as a whole.
• The fourth edition also includes a1ticles fro1n Think Business, an online knowledge portal fron1 the National University of Singapore Business School ( that highlights knowledge from faculty and prominent business leaders.
• The fourth edition continues its emphasis on measuring and managing return on marketing, including many new end-of-chapter financial and quantitative marketing exercises that let students apply analytical thinking to relevant concepts in each chapter and link chapter concepts to the text's innovative and comprehensive
Appendix 2: Marketing by the Numbers.
• The fourth edition provides revised and expanded coverage of the developments in the fast-changing areas of integrated marketing communications and direct and online marketing. It tells how marketers are blending new digital and direct technologies with traditional 1nedia to create 111ore targeted, personal, and interactive customer relationships. No other text provides more current or enco1npassing coverage of these exciting developments.
• The fourth edition continues to improve on its innovative learning design. The text's active and integrative presentation includes lean1ing enhancements such as annotated chapter-opening stories, and a chapter-opening objective outline. The chapter-opening layout helps to preview and position the chapter and its key concepts.End-of-chapter features help to summarize in1portant chapter concepts and highlight important then1es, such as marketing and the econon1y, marketing technology, ethics, and financial marketing analysis. In all, the innovative learning design facilitates student understanding and eases learning.
• The phenomenal success of online market site and Internet site Tencent in China are discussed; so is Li & Fung's supply chain that has expanded in the United States. We've discussed how Japan's UNlQLO's customer-centric approach has seen to its n1arketing success. Similarly, the likes of Scoot, Xiao1ui, Charles & Keith, Daiso, Lenovo, and Gn1arket are highlighted.

    Principles of· Marketing: An Asian Perspective also includes expanded material on a wide range of other topics, including managing customer relationships (CRM), brand strategy and positioning, SWOT analysis, data mining and data networks, consumer research, marketing and diversity, generational marketing, buzz marketing, supplier satisfaction and partnering, environmental sustainability, cause-related marketing, socially responsible marketing, global marketing strategies, and much, much more.

    Countless new examples have been added within the running text. Tables, examples, and references throughout the text represent updated facts and figures. Principles of Marketing: An Asian Perspective contains mostly new images and advertiscn1ents that illustrate key points and make the text more effective and appealing. All new or revised company cases and many new video cases help to bring the real world directly into the classroo1n. The text even has a nevi look, with freshly designed figures. We don't think you'll find a fresher, more current, or more approachable text anywhere.

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