Learning Virtual Reality: Developing Immersive Experiences and Applications for Desktop, Web, and Mobile (Paperback) | 拾書所

Learning Virtual Reality: Developing Immersive Experiences and Applications for Desktop, Web, and Mobile (Paperback)

$ 972 元 原價 1,080

As virtual reality approaches mainstream consumer use, a vibrant development ecosystem has emerged in the past few years. This hands-on guide takes you through VR development essentials for desktop, mobile, and browser-based applications. You’ll explore the three go-to platforms—OculusVR, Gear VR, and Cardboard VR—as well as several VR development environments, programming tools, and techniques.

If you’re an experienced programmer familiar with mobile development, this book will help you gain a working knowledge of VR development through clear and simple examples. Once you create a complete application in the final chapter, you’ll have a jumpstart on the next major entertainment medium.

  • Learn VR basics for UI design, 3D graphics, and stereo rendering
  • Explore Unity3D, the current development choice among game engines
  • Create native applications for desktop computers with the Oculus Rift
  • Develop mobile applications for Samsung’s Gear VR with the Android and Oculus Mobile SDKs
  • Build browser-based applications with the WebVR Javascript API and WebGL
  • Create simple and affordable mobile apps for any smartphone with Google’s Cardboard VR
  • Bring everything together to build a 360-degree panoramic photo viewer

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