Due to the rapidly expanding market for digital media services and systems, there is a growing interest in real-time systems. Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components is a much-needed resource addressing this fi eld for practicing engineers and students, particularly engineers moving from best-effort applications to hard or soft real-time applications. The book is written to teach practicing engineers how to apply real-time theory to the design of embedded components and systems in order to successfully build a real-time embedded system. It is also intended to provide a balance of fundamental theory, review of industry practice, and hands-on experience for undergraduate seniors or first-year grad students preparing for a career in the real-time embedded system industries. Throughout the book, you’ll explore hard real-time theory and soft real-time concepts, real-time scheduling, debugging components, high availability and high reliability design, system lifecycles, and the processes for hardware, firmware, and software development for systems built from components. And you’ll find a balance of theory, practice, and applications to help you learn the fundamental concepts needed to build your own real-time embedded system.
- Teaches engineers and students about real-time theory, function, and the tools applied to embedded applications
- Covers emergent real-time applications such as digital video and digital audio, as well as classical applications such as digital control and robotics
- Explores key areas such as performance issues related to real-time applications, hardware, firmware, software integration, rate monotonic and dynamic scheduling theory, and current microprocessor technology
- Includes a CD-ROM with C code examples for all the projects and examples discussed in the book