Enterprise Java Development on a Budget: Leveraging Java Open Source Technologie (Paperback) | 拾書所

Enterprise Java Development on a Budget: Leveraging Java Open Source Technologie (Paperback)

$ 299 元 原價 1,750

"Developers in the J2EE space may feel that they've got a good handle on all the different open-source tools and utilities that are floating out there around on the Internet; I know I did. After reading just the first three chapters, it became (painfully) obvious that I was wrong."
--Ted Neward, Author, Instructor, Editor-in-Chief of TheServerSide.NET

Open Source has had a profound effect on the Java Community. Many Java Open Source projects have even become de-facto standards. The principal purpose of Enterprise Java Development on a Budget is to guide you through the development of a real enterprise Java application using nothing but Open Source Java Tools, Projects, and Frameworks.

Each chapter will deal with an aspect of the design and development of the application as they relate to a specific tool or framework being used. In areas of the application where there may be implementation choices in terms of which Open Source project to use, we will show one more possible paths and explain why, in the context of the application we chose one project/tool versus competing/similar ones.

Enterprise Java Development on a Budget is intended to define the role of Open Source on the Java Community. It will provide information on how, when and why to use Open Source. It will also contain as a useful appendix— a catalog of Open Source Projects/Products making an impact. The catalog provides information and examples necessary for managers, developers and architects to make decisions on whether to use or evaluate specific projects.


Chapter 1 The Open Source and Java Synergy
Chapter 2 Design with ArgoUML
Chapter 3 Development and Build System with Ant
Chapter 4 Testing
Chapter 5 Business Tier with JBoss
Chapter 6 Data Storage Options
Chapter 7 Object-Relational Mapping
Chapter 8 MVC Frameworks and the PresePntation Tier
Chapter 9 Web Services and Mobile Clients
Chapter 10 Rich Clients with the SWT and JFace
Appendix A Open Source Catalog
Appendix B CVS Primer

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