Hello Swift!: iOS app programming for kids and other beginners | 拾書所

Hello Swift!: iOS app programming for kids and other beginners

$ 1,169 元 原價 1,230

This book teaches young readers how to program using the Swift language while they develop iOS apps. Readers gain fundamental programming skills along the way.

Hello Swift! is a how-to guide to programming iOS apps with the Swift language, written from a kid's perspective. This approachable, well-illustrated, step-by-step guide takes readers from very beginning programming concepts through creating complete apps. It begins by teaching the basics of what an app is and what is needed to build one. From there, readers will create their first simple app while learning more about programming with Swift. Readers conquer important programming concepts that can be used with other programming languages.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

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