Arduino for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide to Arduino (Arduino Hardware & Software) | 拾書所

Arduino for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide to Arduino (Arduino Hardware & Software)

$ 673 元 原價 708


Arduino boards are helpful when it comes to constructing digital devices as well as other types of interactive objects. 

Do you want to build a light display? Are you ready to control a touchscreen? Learn how to program a robot? The microcontroller board can help you achieve all these as well as any other thing that you would wish. To make things even sound better, the Arduino board is the most affordable device, and with the help of this book, you will smile while you put together the code to power whichever type of device that you want.

In this book, you will be introduced to everything about Arduino. You will interact with several concepts that are the foundation of mastering Arduino. Your transformation from an Arduino beginner to an experienced Arduino developer will put you ina position to build different complex electronic projects. Not only that, your electronic skills and confidence will also help you train students. This book will further help you develop a clear understanding of the latest Arduino boards such as the Uno—no experience in programming or even electronics needed. Simply come green as you are.

Each chapter is designed to expand upon what you have learned in the previous chapters. Before the end of this book, you will be able to confidently built and run your own projects based on your level of creativity. Inside, you will learn:

  • How to control LEDs
  • Build and run your first Arduino program
  • Advanced input, outputs, andsensors
  • Basics of the C language
  • Installing the Arduino software into your computer
  • How to troubleshootyour project
  • Connect your Arduino to the Internet
  • The Arduino hardware and software IDE
  • Prototyping
  • and much more

Regardless of your dream, this book will help you discover the many amazing projects which you can develop. If you have been looking for a book to help you kick-startyour journey in Arduino development, this is the bookfor you.

Grab your copy today and start to learn how to build your next mind-blowing project. 

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