ASP.Net Web Developer's Guide (Paperback) | 拾書所

ASP.Net Web Developer's Guide (Paperback)

$ 399 元 原價 1,680

The Complete Guide to ASP.NET and the .NET Framework

Since 1996, ASP programmers have faced one upgrade after another, often with no visible advantages until version 3.x. Now you have the first significant improvement in ASP programming within your grasp-ASP.NET. Your reliance on a watered-down version of Visual Basic has been alleviated now that ASP.NET pages may be programmed in both Microsoft's new version of Visual Basic or the latest version of C++: C#. ASP.NET allows programmers and developers to work with both VB.NET and C# within the same ASP.NET page. This book will show you how.

1. Review the Basics of the ASP.NET Platform
Learn how ASP.NET takes advantage of all that .NET has to offer, including support for more than 20 languages and the full set of .NET Framework software libraries.
2. Understand ASP.NET Namespaces
See how a namespace is represented physically on your computer, how to use a namespace in an ASP.NET page, and learn the entire namespace collection.
3. Develop an ASP.NET Web Form
Use HTML Server controls, Web Server controls, Validation controls, and Custom controls to develop forms.
4. Understand the Anatomy of a Configuration File
Master the application, system, and security aspects of the configuration files and create a web.config file.
5. Manage State
See how ASP.NET application state management is far improved over the previous ASP incarnations.
6. Understand XML in the .NET Framework
Learn the major components of an XML document: Declarations, Comments, Schemas, Elements, and more.
7. Debug ASP.NET
Learn the basics of ASP.NET debugging and see how to use Visual Studio .NET debugging tools.
8. The ASP.NET Wallet CD
The CD comes with all the source code from the book, including complete applications for an address book, message board, an XML.NET guest book, and an ADO.NET shopping cart.
9. Register for Your 1 Year Upgrade
The Syngress Solutions upgrade plan protects you from content obsolescence and provides monthly mailings, whitepapers, and more!



Chapter 1 Introducing ASP.NET

Chapter 2 ASP.NET Namespaces

Chapter 3 ASP Server Controls

Chapter 4 Configuring ASP.NET

Chapter 5 An ASP.NET Application

Chapter 6 Optimizing Caching Methods

Chapter 7 Introduction to ADO.NET: A Simple Address Book

Chapter 8 Using XML in the .NET Framework

Chapter 9 Debugging ASP.NET

Chapter 10 Web Services

Chapter 11 Creating an XML.NET Guestbook

Chapter 12 Creating an ADO.NET Shopping Cart

Chapter 13 Creating a Message Board with ADO and XML


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