An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (半導體元件概論)(原文導讀本) | 拾書所

An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (半導體元件概論)(原文導讀本)

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多年來,Neamen 的半導體教科書廣為國內外大專院校所採用,且已翻譯成多國語言,可見其被接受的程度。本書涵蓋了半導體物理與元件領域的各個重要層面,舉凡半導體性質與材料、固態物理基本觀念、半導體元件與物理、半導體基本製程以及光電半導體元件等重要議題,在本書中皆有深入詳實的討論。學生只需要具備基本的能力即可研讀本書,因此非常適合作為大二至大四「半導體物理」及「半導體元件」等電子半導體領域入門的教科書。本書的內容足夠兩學期的教學使用:對於一學期的課程,授課教授可勘酌學生的程度,挑選適合的部分講授。



Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1     The Crystal Structure of Solids

  • Chapter 2     theory of Solids

  • Chapter 3     The Semiconductor in Equilibrium

  • Chapter 4     Carrier Transport and Excess Carrier Phenomena

  • Chapter 5     The pn Junction and Metal-Semiconductor Contact    

  • Chapter 6     Fundamentals of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect transistor

  • Chapter 7     Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor: Additional Concepts

  • Chapter 8     Nonequilibrium Excess Carriers in Semiconductor 

  • Chapter 9     The pn junction and Schottky Diodes

  • Chapter 10     The Bipolar Transistor

  • Chapter 11     Additional Semiconductor Devices and Device Concepts

  • Chapter 12     Optical Devices

  • Appendix A     Selected List of Symbols

  • Appendix B    Systems of Units, Conversion Factors, and General Constants

  • Appendix C     The Periodic Table

  • Appendix D     Unit of Energy-The Electron-Volt

  • Appendix E     “Derivation”and Applications of SchrÖdinger's Wave Equation

  • Appendix F     Answers to Selected Problems

  • Index

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