崔振寬作品集 | 拾書所


$ 380 元 原價 400
  1. 生意無涯老樹逢春也著華 A New Hope of Life
  2. 泉 Spring
  3. 秦嶺深處 The Deep Paart of Mt. Chin
  4. 幽谷聽泉圖 Listening to the Spring in Deep Valley
  5. 雁塔晨曦 Yen Pagoda in Early Morning
  6. 家在青山白雲間 Living Among the Grean Mountains and White Clouds
  7. 雲橫秦嶺 Clouds Crossing Mt. Chin
  8. 陝北風光 Scenery of Northern Shensi
  9. 黃河贊歌 In Praise of the Yellow River
  10. 黃河贊歌(局部) In Praise of the Yello River (detail)
  11. 高原樂居圖 Happy Life on the Plateau
  12. 竹 Bamboo
  13. 黃陵古柏 The Old Cypress Trees of the Yello Mausoleum
  14. 蜀游臥龍 Visiting Chu’s sleeping Dragon Hill
  15. 秋山圖 Autumn Mountains
  16. 關中農居圖 Farming Life in Shensi
  17. 登高遠望圖 Climbing Hight to Look Far
  18. 春到陝北 Notthern Shensi in Spring
  19. 春到陝北(局部) Northern Shensi in Spring (detail)
  20. 梧桐細雨 Firmiona in the Rain
  21. 艷陽天 One sunny Day
  22. 九曲黃河十八灣 The Winding Yellow River
  23. 山村夏日 Summertime in Mountain Villages
  24. 夏日 Summertime
  25. 林海 Forests
  26. 大河山峽圖 Big River Flowing Out From the Canyon
  27. 平湖清夏圖 Fresh Summer at Ping Lake
  28. 華山下棋亭 The Chess Pavilion on Huashan
  29. 春雨 Spring Rain
  30. 幽居 Retreat
  31. 蜀中杜甫草堂 Tufu’s Cottage in Middle Szuchuan
  32. 江邊 On the Riverbank
  33. 早春二月 Early Spring; February
  34. 月光曲 Song of Moonlight
  35. 終南山麓 at the Foot of Southern Mountain
  36. 蜀中諸葛武侯祠 Chu Keh Wu Hou’s Shrine in the Middle Szuchuan
  37. 秋意正濃 Late Autumn
  38. 秋色賦 Autumn Melody
  39. 家在山下黃葉村 My Home is at the Yellow-Leaf Village by the Mountain
  40. 崖畔 Beside the Cliff
  41. 秋原 Pasture in Autumn
  42. 高原情 Affecttion for the Plateau
  43. 大河激流 Rapids of the Big River
  44. 山村秋色 Mountain Villages in Autumn
  45. 暮色 Sunset Scene
  46. 林靜山幽 Quiet Forests Hidden in the Mountain
  47. 待渡 Ready to Cross
  48. 塞上洪波 Flood Waves on the Frontiers
  49. 巴山秋晴 The Clear Sky of Bashan in Autumn
  50. 秦嶺秋興 Mt. Chin in Autumn
  51. 秋林 Autume Woods
  52. 高山流水 High Mountains and flowing Water
  53. 晚歸 Coming Home Late
  54. 秦嶺初冬 Early Winter on Mt. Chin
  55. 幽居圖 Retreat
  56. 西出陽關 A Trip to the West
  57. 塞上晨曲 Morning Song on the Frontiers
  58. 華嶽雄姿 Dashing Look of the Huashan
  59. 古漢臺 An Old Han Cave

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