$ 380 元
原價 400
- 生意無涯老樹逢春也著華 A New Hope of Life
- 泉 Spring
- 秦嶺深處 The Deep Paart of Mt. Chin
- 幽谷聽泉圖 Listening to the Spring in Deep Valley
- 雁塔晨曦 Yen Pagoda in Early Morning
- 家在青山白雲間 Living Among the Grean Mountains and White Clouds
- 雲橫秦嶺 Clouds Crossing Mt. Chin
- 陝北風光 Scenery of Northern Shensi
- 黃河贊歌 In Praise of the Yellow River
- 黃河贊歌(局部) In Praise of the Yello River (detail)
- 高原樂居圖 Happy Life on the Plateau
- 竹 Bamboo
- 黃陵古柏 The Old Cypress Trees of the Yello Mausoleum
- 蜀游臥龍 Visiting Chu’s sleeping Dragon Hill
- 秋山圖 Autumn Mountains
- 關中農居圖 Farming Life in Shensi
- 登高遠望圖 Climbing Hight to Look Far
- 春到陝北 Notthern Shensi in Spring
- 春到陝北(局部) Northern Shensi in Spring (detail)
- 梧桐細雨 Firmiona in the Rain
- 艷陽天 One sunny Day
- 九曲黃河十八灣 The Winding Yellow River
- 山村夏日 Summertime in Mountain Villages
- 夏日 Summertime
- 林海 Forests
- 大河山峽圖 Big River Flowing Out From the Canyon
- 平湖清夏圖 Fresh Summer at Ping Lake
- 華山下棋亭 The Chess Pavilion on Huashan
- 春雨 Spring Rain
- 幽居 Retreat
- 蜀中杜甫草堂 Tufu’s Cottage in Middle Szuchuan
- 江邊 On the Riverbank
- 早春二月 Early Spring; February
- 月光曲 Song of Moonlight
- 終南山麓 at the Foot of Southern Mountain
- 蜀中諸葛武侯祠 Chu Keh Wu Hou’s Shrine in the Middle Szuchuan
- 秋意正濃 Late Autumn
- 秋色賦 Autumn Melody
- 家在山下黃葉村 My Home is at the Yellow-Leaf Village by the Mountain
- 崖畔 Beside the Cliff
- 秋原 Pasture in Autumn
- 高原情 Affecttion for the Plateau
- 大河激流 Rapids of the Big River
- 山村秋色 Mountain Villages in Autumn
- 暮色 Sunset Scene
- 林靜山幽 Quiet Forests Hidden in the Mountain
- 待渡 Ready to Cross
- 塞上洪波 Flood Waves on the Frontiers
- 巴山秋晴 The Clear Sky of Bashan in Autumn
- 秦嶺秋興 Mt. Chin in Autumn
- 秋林 Autume Woods
- 高山流水 High Mountains and flowing Water
- 晚歸 Coming Home Late
- 秦嶺初冬 Early Winter on Mt. Chin
- 幽居圖 Retreat
- 西出陽關 A Trip to the West
- 塞上晨曲 Morning Song on the Frontiers
- 華嶽雄姿 Dashing Look of the Huashan
- 古漢臺 An Old Han Cave