總統府一樓展覽(從總督府到總統府):總統的故事(英文版) | 拾書所


$ 76 元 原價 80

  中華民國為亞洲第一個民主共和國,肇建於1912年1月1日,採行總統制。在本展區,以間接選舉及直接選舉為主軸,勾勒出六位總統的故事,以及民主的進程;其間歷經戒嚴到解嚴、國會改革與數次修憲,並凸顯出臺灣國際地位的變化。主要運用文物、文獻、照片三種史料,相互配合,以認識故事主角的事蹟,並體認臺灣發展的歷程。(The Republic of China was the first democratic republic in Asia, having been established on January 1, 1912. The presidential system of governance was adopted by this new nation. In this exhibition area, the indirect and direct elections of the Republic of China’s six presidents, as well as the nation’s move to democracy, are the key themes. Martial law and democratization, parliamentary reform, and several rounds of constitutional amendment are all explored here. Historical relics, important records, and photographs are displayed to aid your understanding of the events that shaped Taiwan’s development.)

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